KARACHI: The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) on Saturday endorsed the proposal of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) to the Ministry of Industries and Production (MoI&P) for the development of the SMEs. The KOSGEB model of Turkey has been recognized the world over as the best model for SMEs development and adopted by many countries.
President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver said in a statement that the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization called KOSGEB in Turkey was established in 1990 and had played a key role in increasing the share of the SMEs in the economy and also improve their effectiveness.
He said UNISAME was very happy that SMEDA had closely studied the SME promotion and development of Turkey and had proposed to the MoI&P to adopt the tools for SME promotion and development in Pakistan.
“The SME sector deserves priority and support of the government to modernize and increase productivity.
Pakistan like Turkey needs to strengthen SMEDA and make it an instrument to reach the SMEs.”He said: “The SME sector must be enabled to meet the growing challenges to compete and this can be achieved by facilitating the sector to grow and develop on modern lines. SMEDA has wisely proposed to the MoI&P to support, facilitate, educate, finance and motivate the majority sector to enable them grow he stated in a message to the MoI&P.
UNISAME has urged the MoI&P to impress upon the cabinet the need to recognize the growing issues of unemployment, poverty and lack of information and take remedial measures promptly.
The influx of new graduates, the lack of job opportunities, the slow industrialization calls for self employment and entrepreneurship for resolving the issues.
“Thaver said: “The finance for start ups fund announced in India of Rs 1.5 billion dollars is an eye opener for us and SMEDA’s proposal covers many aspects of support for start ups, existing units and value addition and need serious consideration.
Thaver added the urgent need for access to affordable finance for the micro entrepreneurs as well and called upon the government to promote microfinance on modern lines. – PPI
Posted in: Press Releases
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